The twins had their first day of preschool last week.
Only I just got around to taking their picture in front of the school today. People were walking around me while I tried to get them to BOTH look at the camera at the same time, which is pretty much impossible by the way, and giving me weird looks.
The other moms were all thinking, “Hey, lady! Didn’t you know the first day of school was a week ago?”
Sorry folks. We’ve got Kids Number Four and Five here. They’re lucky we don’t have to wait until next semester for me to remember my camera!
So we are working on adjusting to the preschool environment.
On the first day I returned to the sight that every preschool mom dreads: Baby Girl was not in the clothes I brought her in.
Which means, she was wearing her backup clothes that they keep in case of accidents.
Which means, she had an accident.
Which means, in other words, my kid’s the one who pooped her pants on Day ONE of preschool.
Yep. Looks like I’m going to be THAT mom this year. The one the teacher has to put on a grave face to TALK to at the end of school.
This suspicion was confirmed today when I was informed by the teacher at pick-up that BOTH twins had to be put in Time Out today.
According to the school’s discipline list, Time Out is like DefCon Three. It comes after (1) Warning and (2) Toy Confiscated or Child Removed. It’s only one step below getting sent to the principal.
(Not that Baby Girl and Baby Boy are particularly scared of getting sent to the principal. Seeing as they’re three years old.)
But anyways, the teacher put on her Serious Face and suggested that I talk to the twins about being quiet and sitting down during circle time.
I felt like telling the teacher, “Look. They’re little savages. I know it. That’s why I’m bringing them to YOU to help me civilize them. Just keep putting them in time out. They’ll get it eventually.”
I’m just keeping my fingers crossed that we can refrain from more potty accidents.
I REALLY don’t want to be that mom!
Fingers crossed as well!