Last Sunday we had lunch at Panda Express after church.
Yes. We live in the land of Authentic Asian Food, and we're eating Panda Express. I know. We are WAY too white-bread.
(Actually that's just me --and the twins-- the Unadventurous Eaters. My older kids will eat almost anything.)
(image from wikipedia)
Anyhow, they didn't have any big tables free, so we had to split up and sit at two separate tables.
Therefore ET and GG got to sit at a table by themselves and pretend they weren't with us, which pleased them enormously, I'm sure.
And Boo was stuck at a table with me and the twins, which embarrassed her enormously.
Baby Boy kept staring avidly at a little girl next to us who had an assortment of bracelets, which he seemed to be considering swiping, and Baby Girl kept calling out everything she said at the top of her lungs. And she was saying things like, "I'd better PEEPEE!" and "There's a BOOGER in my nose! TWO boogers!"
Boo tried to hide under the table a few times and looked longingly at the (two-person) booth where her sisters were seated a lot. She said to me, "I wish I could just close my eyes and the babies would disappear."
I think she even tried the eye-closing thing, but to no avail. She was stuck with us.
If Boo is this embarrassed at age nine, I shudder to think what happens when SHE gets to be the teenager.
Well, at least by then the twins will be older as well...
...and better able to think of embarrassing things to do to her, of course.
Poor Boo!