As Barney says, you have to Use Your Imagination.
So last night I saw a Care Bears video tape case peeking out from under the couch and I pulled it out.
(Yes. We still use videotapes. I'm an OLD mommy, remember?)
(yuck-face image from
The case was covered in some kind of clear sticky ooze I could not identify, and it dripped slowly but continuously as I lifted it up.
I made a face and sighed. Further investigation was needed here. As much as I hated to do it....
I moved the couch to look at the floor beneath.
I found a large puddle of the same unidentified icky mess with several plastic toys dotting it like islands.
Also I found some dirt. And some hairballs. And dried-up spill of what appeared to be pink nail polish
I wiped up everything but the nail polish, which will require some kind of major solvent to remove, unfortunately.
Then I tried to figure out what the wet spill was, examining it closely. The puddle was clear and sticky, thicker in the middle than it was on the ends as if it were in the process of congealing, and it smelled strangely fruity. I still had no idea what it was.
Searching for further clues, I tried to figure out where it had come from. There were no open containers around, and no telltale "spill-proof" (HA!) cup near the spill. I took the couch apart to make sure there wasn't any sort of dripping bottle hidden under the cushions. I simply could not find the source of the spill either.
I shrugged and gave up, deciding to go ahead and wash the couch cover while I had it all taken apart. As I usually do, I put a quilt over the couch to protect it while the slipcover was in the washing machine.
(I don't really have to say WHY the couch needs protection, do I?)
When GG saw the un-slipcovered couch, she said, "Who threw up?" That's usually why the cover gets washed.
Then my husband told me what had happened while I'd been gone that evening. Apparently ET had left a large bottle of flavored water uncapped near the twins.
Let's do the math on that shall we?
1 open container of clear sticky beverage
+ 2 crazy toddlers
+ time to fester under the couch
Mystery solved.
(image from
"Who barfed?" she said.
At least they're consisitent.
When I wash my slipcover it is because my dog lays there all the time. Doggy smell. Don`t you love it when kids spill something and don`t tell you!