Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Short and Sad Tale (With Photos!)

Folk Art Acrylic Paint 2 Ounces - ThicketToday GG had a friend over and they decided to do some painting.

Since the twins were taking a nap and couldn't get into the paint, I said it was okay as long as they cleaned up after themselves.

So they painted until the friend left, and GG only had to be reminded twice to clean up. Which was not too bad.

Or so I thought.

But then I got the twins up from their nap. I changed their diapers and deposited them over the gate into the living room while I went to the bathroom.

I came back a minute or two later to Boo screaming, "The babies have a bottle of paint! The babies have a bottle of paint!"

I yelled to GG, "How could the babies have PAINT when you CLEANED IT ALL UP?!"

I entered the kitchen to find Baby Girl and Baby Boy, who were still in their church clothes, on the floor amid drops and smears of black paint. Baby Girl was still holding the offending bottle, and GG was frantically trying to wipe the floor and Baby Boy's hands with a paper towel.

Boo was still sounding the alarm.

Apparently, GG had left an almost-empty bottle of black paint on the counter instead of putting it in the trash can as she'd planned. As I may have mentioned before, EVERYTHING on the kitchen counter is vulnerable to baby attack.

Did I mention Baby Girl was still in her church dress? Her HAND-SMOCKED and BEAUTIFUL church dress?!

Let's hope for GG's sake that this comes clean.

Baby Girl knew she'd done SOMETHING wrong, but she figured she could get by on her general cuteness.

As in, "How could this sweet little face have EVER done ANYTHING bad?"

But GG is in big trouble here!

It's looking doubtful if she'll EVER be allowed to paint again.
She declined to be interviewed for this story, and refused to be photographed.
I guess she realizes she just can't put a positive spin on this one...

"No pictures, PLEASE!"

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