My son doesn’t eat enough food.
Weird, huh? I don’t know where he got THAT from!
When he had his last check-up, we discovered he was underweight, and pretty far behind his twin, who is the height and weight of an average three-year-old.
Over the past month and a half since then I’ve been working on ways to get him to eat more.
The problem is, he’s just not that interested in food.
Again, I don’t know WHERE he got that from!
We’ve been back and forth to the doctor so they can watch his weight gain and we’ll be seeing a dietitian later this month.
He has been doing better and gaining a little, especially since he started taking an appetite stimulant.
Yep. I said "appetite stimulant." Can you believe that?
I'm thinking, can you just prescribe me the OPPOSITE of that? Please?!
But I digress.
I’ve been keeping a chart of everything he’s eating and how much so I can show the dietitian. It looks pretty sparse, and it’s mostly noodles, rice and bread.
Also Ensure, to try to increase his caloric intake.
(Words I never thought I’d need to use together, by the way: “increase” and “caloric intake!”)
So tonight I was really excited when he suddenly started eating the broccoli I put on his plate.
I’ve been putting things like vegetables on his plate for decoration I suppose, since he’s never done anything with them.
First he nibbled on it. Then he ate the whole floret and reached for another one. He pronounced it “good.”
My husband and I were so excited.
He ate his whole serving and asked for more.
Ecstatic, we heaped more broccoli on his plate.
He took another floret and put the whole thing in his mouth.
He smiled and chewed and swallowed.
My husband and I beamed at each other. I anticipated writing down how many broccoli florets he’d eaten on his food chart. I imagined telling the dietitian that my son LOVED broccoli.
Then he threw up.
He threw up the broccoli, and all the Ensure, and the noodles he’d had for lunch.
A whole day’s painstakingly charted caloric intake was now spread all over the table and wasted.
It was awful.
He started saying, "I sick!" and "Yuck! Broccoli!" I tried to point out that the broccoli probably wasn't to blame, but I think it was futile.
There goes my dream of impressing the dietitian.