Tuesday, September 14, 2010

This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things

This morning as I was in the bedroom dressing Baby Boy, my older kids yelled to me, "Baby Girl just smashed the glass table!"

I assumed they were exaggerating. After all, how could a toddler smash a glass-topped display table that has survived SEVEN moves, two of them overseas?

A table that, by the way, her father actually MADE with his own hands when we lived in Germany!

Here's a photo of it in our last house at Christmastime. Nice, huh?

Sigh. That's how my house USED to look before we had twin toddlers.

Here's our Christmas tree from last year.

That's right. We had to CAGE IT UP! For its own protection, of course.

But back to the display table.

I thought surely Baby Girl wouldn't DARE break our nice table, even if she were able to do such a thing.

Well, obviously I was wrong. I came out to check and the table was well and truly smashed.

Baby Boy couldn't believe it either. Here he is shaking his head over the destruction his sister caused:

Of course, Baby Girl relied on her old standby for a defense: "I'm too sweet and cute to have done that!"

We're on to you Baby Girl!

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